The best way to get Bitbucket metrics

Bitbucket natively doesn’t provide any report or metrics to understand engineering productivity and relies completely on JIRA reports and dashboards which are also limited in nature as these tools were built for a completely different purpose.

JIRA reports also give you a view of only the commits, pull requests, and branches linked to JIRA tickets which leads to incomplete data and insights that are not actionable. On the contrary, AnalyticsVerse has richer engineering metrics and dashboards that help you get insights and drive action from your Bitbucket data.
Best Way to Get Bitbucket Metrics - AnalyticsVerse

What are the limitations of reports on Bitbucket?

No In-built metrics and reports

Bitbucket doesn’t have in-built metrics and reports and is limited by what JIRA reports show. Bitbucket was built for a different purpose, whereas AnalyticsVerse was natively created to help you visualize metrics from Bitbucket and JIRA and understand your team's productivity.

Limited by JIRA - Bitbucket linking

All commits, deployments, and pull requests in Bitbucket that are not linked to JIRA tickets will neither be shown in JIRA development cards, nor reports, which becomes a very big constraint as even in the limited reports JIRA shows, data would be partial leading to incorrect insights.

Commit History is not Developer Productivity

Bitbucket enables you to view the commit history for your repositories. However, the count of contributions in repositories doesn’t represent productivity in any form. AnalyticsVerse enables you to define value streams and look at developer productivity across the dimensions of the SPACE framework.

Missing engineering excellence benchmarks

Looking at benchmarks of how elite teams manage their processes, DORA metrics standards, help you make metrics actionable and understand your engineering maturity compared to elite teams. Which is completely missing from Bitbucket.

Progress is more than JIRA development cards

You can link Bitbucket with JIRA to view commits, and pull requests of a ticket, however, to truly understand engineering progress you need much more visibility, like When was the last activity done? Is this blocked? How long pull requests have been open since? which is missing from JIRA and Bitbucket reports.

Passive metrics and visualizations

Go above charts and visualizations from JIRA reports. Be an active engineering leader and take action to improve your engineering productivity by benchmarking, setting goals & action items, and engaging your team in the process.

How is AnalyticsVerse better?

Complete Engineering Data

AnalyticsVerse provides complete visibility into your engineering data, regardless of linking, and delivers metrics and insights from all your sources, making your development efforts both visible and actionable.
Complete Engineering Data

Define and Create Value Streams

AnalyticsVerse enables you to define projects by grouping any Bitbucket repositories across your organization, JIRA projects/boards, and defining team members to visualize your value streams, services, products, and engineering pods.
Define value streams

Pre-configured dashboards

Don’t need to figure out what metrics to track and define them using complex JQLs, we do the heavy lifting of figuring out what metrics you should track and create pre-configured reports for you to understand engineering productivity.
Pre configured dashboards

Team Effort Investment

AnalyticsVerse enables you to view where your team is spending development efforts across categories like planned vs ad-hoc work, bugs vs tasks, and new work vs churn vs technical debt to help you drive better business outcomes.
Effort Investment

Developer Productivity (SPACE metrics)

Measure developer productivity to identify bottlenecks and areas of improvement across the dimensions of the SPACE framework which helps you capture productivity in the truest sense possible.
Developer Productivity - SPACE metrics

Go above metrics and take action

Looking at metrics won’t change them, driving action will. With AnalyticsVerse you can visualize metrics, benchmark them, set goals with targets, measure progress, get notified when things are about to go wrong, and engage your team in this process.
Go above metrics, take action

Engineering Metrics - The AnalyticsVerse Way

Look at what you can achieve using AnalyticsVerse for your engineering teams.

Visualizing Development Progress helps in  Identifying Bottlenecks and acting on them.

Summary Reports

Enables you to visualize development progress across sprints, iterations, months, and quarters. This helps you spot delivery delays earlier and detect anomalies in your team’s working patterns.
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Timeline & Cycle Time

View a timeline of your correlated engineering activities like commits, pull requests, and deployments for your tasks in a single snapshot. Measure metrics like pull request cycle time, and commit lead time to identify areas of improvement.
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Development Progress - AnalyticsVerse

Continuous Improvements is the only way to Achieve Excellence.

Engineering Benchmarks

Compare with process benchmarks of elite teams to make metrics actionable and get personalized recommendations on where to improve and identify your strengths to maintain and build upon.
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DORA Metrics

Research-backed DORA benchmarks indicate the maturity and excellence of your dev processes. A configurable, detail-oriented DORA dashboard allows you to continuously assess your team’s practices against that of elite teams.
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Engineering Excellence - AnalyticsVerse

Looking at Metrics won't Change them.
Driving Action will.

Goals and Notifications

Drive action and set direction by setting goals with target values and dates on productivity indicators and iteratively measure your progress. Set up notifications based on your goals to take timely action.
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Process Transformation

Optimizing process bottlenecks is the fastest way to unlock engineering productivity. Identify process bottlenecks and transform your processes by engaging your team and iteratively measuring progress.
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Actions and Goals - AnalyticsVerse

The Right way to Measure Developer Productivity (SPACE Framework)

Developer Productivity is not about squeezing more from your developers, it's about identifying areas of improvement and acting on them. And it can never be measured by one single metric or even one single dimension of metrics. Based on the ideology of the SPACE framework, AnalyticsVerse enables you to capture developer productivity in the truest sense possible with the most comprehensive and configurable way.
SPACE Metrics - AnalyticsVerse

Understand where your team is spending efforts to drive business outcomes

Track the progress of your initiatives (Epics) and analyze the effort invested in them to better drive business outcomes that positively impact your customers. Keep an active check on the amount of effort you are spending on “Making Progress” vs “Keeping the Lights on” to identify when the operational overhead starts impacting your ability to deliver customer value. AnalyticsVerse also enables you to look at effort spent across your type of tasks, and type of dev work and also allows you to define your own categories.
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Effort Investment - AnalyticsVerse

True Improvements come from Getting the Team Onboard and Engaging them.

Gamify using

Engage your team by creating healthy competition within and between teams to compete for the best. Leaderboards give the push needed to improve on process metrics and drive productivity gains for your teams.

Engagement and
Customer Success

Help your team connect with the purpose and goals of adopting a data-driven approach to engineering leadership and productivity measurement. AnalyticsVerse supports and engages your team at every step of the journey, ensuring your success.
Team Engagement - AnalyticsVerse
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AnalyticsVerse has helped us gain visibility into our engineering processes and enabled our entire team to have data backed conversations.
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AnalyticsVerse enabled us to bring standardization to our engineering processes, and measuring KPIs helped us identify which team can improve and in which areas.
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Vivek Chhikara | Partner Engineering
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DORA metrics and benchmarks has helped us keep a tab on our engineering health and has been instrumental in our conversations with leadership.
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Sam Fernando | Head of Engineering
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Getting visibility on how teams and individuals are performing is key to lead a modern dev team, AnalyticsVerse helped us identify our bottlenecks and take action to improve on them.
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Anuraag Guptaa | VP Engineering
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