No In-built metrics and reports
Bitbucket doesn’t have in-built metrics and reports and is limited by what JIRA reports show. Bitbucket was built for a different purpose, whereas AnalyticsVerse was natively created to help you visualize metrics from Bitbucket and JIRA and understand your team's productivity.
Limited by JIRA - Bitbucket linking
All commits, deployments, and pull requests in Bitbucket that are not linked to JIRA tickets will neither be shown in JIRA development cards, nor reports, which becomes a very big constraint as even in the limited reports JIRA shows, data would be partial leading to incorrect insights.
Commit History is not Developer Productivity
Bitbucket enables you to view the commit history for your repositories. However, the count of contributions in repositories doesn’t represent productivity in any form. AnalyticsVerse enables you to define value streams and look at developer productivity across the dimensions of the SPACE framework.
Missing engineering excellence benchmarks
Looking at benchmarks of how elite teams manage their processes, DORA metrics standards, help you make metrics actionable and understand your engineering maturity compared to elite teams. Which is completely missing from Bitbucket.
Progress is more than JIRA development cards
You can link Bitbucket with JIRA to view commits, and pull requests of a ticket, however, to truly understand engineering progress you need much more visibility, like When was the last activity done? Is this blocked? How long pull requests have been open since? which is missing from JIRA and Bitbucket reports.
Passive metrics and visualizations
Go above charts and visualizations from JIRA reports. Be an active engineering leader and take action to improve your engineering productivity by benchmarking, setting goals & action items, and engaging your team in the process.